Book of Genesis

Creation (1:1 -- 2:3)
Primeval History (2:4 -- 11:26)
Adam and Eve in Eden (2:4-25)
The Fall and Its Consequences (ch. 3)
Sin's Progression (4:1-16)
The Genealogy of Cain (4:17-26)
The Genealogy of Seth (ch. 5)
God's Response to Human Depravity (6:1-8)
The Great Flood (6:9 -- 9:29)
Preparing for the flood (6:9 -- 7:10)
Judgment and redemption (7:11 -- 8:19)
The rising of the waters (7:11-24)
The receding of the waters (8:1-19)
The flood's aftermath (8:20 -- 9:29
A new promise (8:20-22)
Renewed benediction and new ordinances (9:1-7)
A new relationship (9:8-17)
A new temptation (9:18-23)
A final word (9:24-29)
The Spread of the Nations (10:1 -- 11:26)
The diffusion of nations (ch. 10)
The confusion of languages (11:1-9)
The first Semitic genealogy (11:10-26
Patriarchal History (11:27 -- 50:26)
The Life of Abraham (11:27 -- 25:11)
Abraham's background (11:27-32)
Abraham's call and response (chs. 12 - 14)
Abraham's faith and God's covenant (chs. 15 - 22)
Abraham's final acts (23:1 -- 25:11)
The Descendants of Ishmael (25:12-18).
The Life of Jacob (25:19 -- 35:29)
Jacob at home (25:19 -- 27:46)
Jacob abroad (chs. 28 - 30)
Jacob at home again (chs. 31 - 35)
The Descendants of Esau (36:1 -- 37:1)
The Life of Joseph (37:2 -- 50:26)
Joseph's career (37:2 -- 41:57)
Jacob's migration (chs. 42 - 47)
Jacob's final days (48:1 -- 50:14)
Joseph's final days (50:15-26)

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